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Shrinking Yourself 


Over the last 20 years I think I've tried almost every diet; Weight Watchers, cabbage soup, Slimming World, Atkins, Cambridge, Dukan,  Rosemary Conley, British Heart Foundation, Blood Type Diet and Paleo and probably some more that I've forgotten! All of them have something in common - they work .... if you stick at it. But there's the rub, I can't stick to it. I'd lose a few stone and then after a while I'd fall off the wagon and put all the weight back on and more, much more. When I started my first diet I was two stone overweight now it's ten.  

I started working on my unhealthy relationship with food with the book ‘shrink yourself’ by Dr. Roger Gould. I still love the title (obviously hence the title of the site!) it encapsulates the notion of therapy for food relationships. Reading this book really helped me to understand my issues, where they come from and acknowledge that I am a compulsive eater.

Looking for solutions to my emotional eating led me to Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life'. The core message that 'you are what you think', that you create your own reality really hit home with me and its what I am working on daily now.

With all this food addiction and self help info swirling round my head, books all over the house, pinterest boards and an old blog, I just needed one place to keep it all together. So this is my resource site, its full of titbits of helpful information from my favourite books and blogs in bitesize chunks so I can digest the messsage before losing interest!

Editing the posts and adding to them is helping me to stay on track – I hope it can help you too

x Munch

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